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Question from Pakistan

Posted by frustrated 
Question from Pakistan
September 05, 2023 05:57AM
A gentleman from Pakistan has a small shop and wrote asking if we knew of a steam power plant capable of providing 10kva, which comes out to about 13.4 horsepower. I figure he'd need a minimum of 20 hp by the time you consider system losses. Do we know of anyone making an engine in that range? About the only thing that I can think of is the Reliable kits.


Re: Question from Pakistan
November 08, 2023 02:04PM
India might be a little closer than USA/Canada (cheaper shipping).

Here is a unit I've seen advertised on Youtube.


Kyle B
Re: Question from Pakistan
November 09, 2023 09:01AM
Hi Kyle,

Thanks for the video. I ended up referring him to Tiny Tech in India -- who builds the engines in that video. The last time I had seen their engines, they were so badly built and designed that I would never have given anyone the link. My understanding is that Rod Mueller of Strath Steam gave them advice on designing the piston valves used on these engines ... which was one of many deficiencies in the original engines. Unfortunately, Rod retired and sold off his business ... which has not yet been put back into operation. Truthfully, at least some of these engines look like they are built up onto industrial air compressors; which isn't necessarily a bad thing since the hardware has been proven in continuous operation.

I'm impressed with what looks like a variant of the Rites inertia governor, which should provide fairly decent speed control -- much better than the usual flyball governor. The Rites was invented when they started hooking engines to elecrical generators and needed more precise speed control. Flyball governors detect differences in speed, inertia governors detect the onset of acceleration, and so respond better.



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/09/2023 09:07AM by frustrated.
Re: Question from Pakistan
November 27, 2023 03:54PM
Well, I don't know anything about how well the engines in India run, or what kind of efficiency they have. Probably garbage on both accounts lol. But they are 'new' engines that are 'currently' available, and that goes a long way for someone who just wants to find something they can purchase.
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