Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 07, 2023 06:10PM
Jay Leno on Mt Washington driving Brent’s 30 HP Stanley Look under the rear of the car to see the casting and Alternator.

[RauJ_Kcsg8" rel="nofollow">]
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 09, 2023 05:18AM
The Spring Meet in W. Michigan is May 20th weekend. I wanted to formally invite you to this meet? I'm willing to help with what ever travel or other plans you might need. I would love to just pick your brain, not through your nose. smiling smiley In other words...just talk about steam and interesting stuff. Of course, you would be a presenter also.

I also saw George's post. Very interesting comment about the Doble's opinion on the expansion ratio. Perhaps George can join you. Hopefully an MIT grad wouldn't mind slumming with a Northeastern grad. He too would be an awesome presenter.

By-the-way, in that video you attached above, I think that was Billy Barnes who joined Jay in that hill climb in his Vanderbilt Racer..

(607) 215-2866
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 09, 2023 01:41PM
Rick, wish at near 86 I was up to it but no longer, your offer and information is greatly appreciated.. I have been so fortunate to have so many conversations with Crank on the Doble and other things. So much was edited out of the huge book, i was supposidly the technical editor for Jim and did for ten years until it had gone on too long;Jim Crank always had more info and stuff to put in being a perfectionist and was not ever happy about the book not including every new thing he had come upon. I may be the only owner of the first transcript that he sent me, almost three hundred pages of xerox manuscript in existence for technical review dated 2003. It includes so much technical information that was edited out in its final brilliant book, possibly by the editor after Jim had passed.
Crank was so impressed with the Lamont cure for things boiler that he hired me at the mount Washington event to pay me for a 12gph Lamont unit for a Stanley and it was done but never built, he once again decided to buy an old twelve cylinder Jaguar for steam and the projects kept changing. If one was to carefully search the Doble boiler notes Abner had considered the Lamont a solution to boiler control problems but X'd it out of consideration when frustrated in England with boiler control.
As far as Brents car with Jay climbing Mt. Washington Bill Barnes followed them up as it was with Brents recreation of Raymond Stanley copy that Brent had recreated. All great effort and great people., Brent was very wonderful to work with.
I wold think that Abner Doble's greatest effort was the McCulloch Paxton three year project(1951-1953) that resulted in the steam effort to produce an alternative power source that had a steam rate of 6+ rate; the SAE published an article by chief engineer Dooley and it was a
most great effort with Abner as consultant engineer and it was mostly Doble system.. So much could be related as to dealing with Abner and //dDooley's conversations with Jim Crank. Possibly for fill material the SACA newsletter could reprint in the Light Steam Power article that included all the aspects of that development. Such a great effort by the McCullich company.
All for now Georgen
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 10, 2023 03:47AM
So many intel here. But all boils down because to one limit in engineering: the temperature limit of the lubricating system is at the current stage of human technology the maximum temperature limit (a little tweakable with engine design).

There is actually an opinion in the chemical engineer circles, that silicon chemical compounds might become an even bigger thing than organic chemistry (hydrocarbon compounds). And silicon compounds have the potential to be much more temperature stable.
Silicon oils might one day open the door for 600*C or even hotter steam engines (don‘t ask me what that translates to fahrenheit - probably 1.4k). Then, the metal will have overtaken as setting the max temp limit. This again could be set off with other alloys. And so forth.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 10, 2023 06:40AM
Personally, I think the secret is not lubricants, but design. Single acting engines with crankcases and splash lube can handle the temperatures and poppet valves don't need lubrication -- in automotive use there is a seal that keeps oil out.


Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 11, 2023 09:06AM
Perhaps I can continue to carry the flag.

I was just down to visit Billy Barnes not to long ago and reviewed his development of the D valve for the H-Stanley engine (3-5/8 X 5). He is putting this engine in his steam motorcycle for a new attempt at the land speed record (LSR). His valve is highly modified and set to run in hook-up and allows for pre-admission before top-dead-center. We used a paint stick and pencil to mark the different points for cutoff. This is with the head removed from the non-rod side of the piston. I helped him with the diameter calculation for his aluminum pistons. He too is familiar with the La Mont style boiler and unsure of its application with his motorcycle. His 10 HP Stanley fire tube boiler stores and produces enough steam for his mile and or mile and half run. Soon as the weather up north here becomes a little more reasonable, he'll be making a run at one of these airports that has a long enough straight shot.

BTW, Billy's idea for running a car for the LSR would be to place two (2) 20 HP Stanley engines on top of one another with the crank gear in mesh and then put the lower engine in communication with the differential driven gear. In connection to Doble, his thinking and compounding; I would take this idea further and go with this system or similar to a compound. Even adding some reheat. Just some thoughts on that...

On a different note, I agreed to design a shell around and burner system for a mono-tube design, not mine. The mono-tube was designed by a power plant boiler engineer. His calculations for diameters and lengths theoretically are sound. However the arrangement of the tubing is not, well I'm just not comfortable with it. This gentleman is after the LSR for a steam (piston) powered car. It's a challenge to pour several three M BTU into this system effectively. It will use 2 Banjo forced air burners and six (6) H barbecue burners, primary and secondary respectively. I'm doing the design free of charge. I think of it as a learning experience. I have a lot to gain from this experience. I included some pictures, hopefully to be enjoyed.

I don't want to go to far a rye from this thread in consideration to Steam Captain and keep a relationship to Doble. We discussed earlier about the hollow piston valve, Stephenson and Walschaerts used by Doble and in German design post WWII. Then we hit on boiler design and I would like to further discuss the idea that might follow the forced circulation concept. I like the ideas of a flash coil and a circulation system either natural circulation or with some type of force to circulate water through the generation coil. I have to back up the train a little to when I visited Billy Barnes, I drove his condensing Stanley around 5 miles or so in his home town. As I drove it I was observing the performance as compared to other non-condensing steam cars I also drove. The hot well makes a big difference in performance. The Doble car takes this into account, it is intuitively obvious for its benefits. If Billy wanted to reduce his boiler size and implement a forced circulation system, he should also incorporate a hot well for the same reasons. This makes things much more complicated. Is it worth it?

The other concept that is interesting to me is to use a much more simpler system like a natural circulation boiler concept and as one feeds water into the system, it will hit a check valve that will force the water through the multi-pass tubes turning them into mono-tube generators. Then when not feeding water, the boiler goes back to natural circulation. After some boiler tube calculations and in order to hit higher performance, I see that one needs to add a flash coil to the system. This is a coil around the burner area, perhaps next to the super heat (SH) coil, and around the same size as the SH coil; that feeds water into the boiler. I believe Rolly said he built this coil for Gerry and his Stanley Bus. I think Gerry called it the Grzyb Coil. This new boiler system could be a Derr style, Ofeldt or other natural circulating arrangement. Another boiler that I would like to bring back to light is the Black Staff marine boiler. Black Staff Boiler This would be applicable to larger boiler designs. Again, some thoughts that might follow Doble...

Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 11, 2023 10:46AM
Hear are some different systems used by Besler.

open | download - Besler Systems.pdf (320.5 KB)
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 13, 2023 05:31AM
Rolly, I think you are clairvoyant,

I was thinking the same thing. Do you have any experience with a mono-tube where one circulates into a hot well. Then, when up to temperature say around 140 - 160 *F; valve over to direct flow to the engine. One might have to play with the valve when getting up to speed. The hot well may function as a separator up to the point where the engine can take full throttle of the mono-tube.

This is just a simple system designed for running the mile speed attempt. Note that Chuk ran his speed record by using a clutch to bring the car up to speed. His steam generator ran full out, producing max steam and accommodated that with the clutch on the engine.

The hot well/separator tank will only have enough water to run a short run. My thought is to use a 20 gallon tank. I would not exceed a typical air compressor pressure and not circulate above 120 PSI. Also, he dumped the steam overboard at the initial stages to reach a steady state on the mono-tube generator.

This is the challenge when a power generation engineer tries to design a steam automobile boiler. He or she doesn't understand the transition. The design needs to incorporate some capacity, some stored potential energy.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 13, 2023 06:55AM
No only tube windings I built were economizers and superheaters.
The only monotube pipe boilers I built were models. You can learn a lot from making models.
Estimated cost, tooling, spacing supports, burner volume.
I never could burn the maximum fuel that Doble formula said you could. Never a clean burn. 80% of it and I would get a very clean burn.


Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 14, 2023 09:37AM
There was such a system and called a Lamont! Rapid circulation with saturated temperatures would pass thru evaporation coil and back into a seperator drum. Rood Teel built one I designed for his steamboat and under tests was totally stable. I designed a 12GPH/10#/hr Lamont for Jim
Crank to fit under the hood of a 740 Stanley but never built! thirty thousand calculations and theproject was changed! Crank had changed his desire to put a Lamont in a E Jag. He was looking to find a 12 cyl Jag that had a bad engine. As we get older we can suddenly run out of time!
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 17, 2023 11:37AM
I've been trying to figure out how to shrink forced recirc boiler systems. The core of the unit is a circ pump/centrifuge. Basically, water can only reach the centrifugal blade elements after passing through a centrifugal loop seal. The trap under your sink is a form of loop seal, and the mechanism in this pump works similarly in preventing a gas (steam) from passing through the mechanism, along with the water. Being less dense, the steam moves to the center of the housing and is tapped off the unit at the top.

Saturated water leaving the pump passes through a periject eductor, which is a jet pump. In this pump, the recirculating water is accelerated by the feed water by way of the economizer coils. This driving fluid gets its power from the feed water pump, which takes suction from the feed water tank. As the water passes through the economizer, it is heated, causing it to expand and accelerate, gaining kinetic energy which can be transferred to the recirculating flow. The saturated recirc water plus economizer feed water then passes through the generator coil where a portion is converted to steam, greatly expanding the fluid mix and causing it to depart with a significant velocity gain. This recirculation flow enters the pump/centrifuge tangentially, which allows the fluid to retain most of its velocity as it comes into contact with the rotor blades, reducing the pump effort. It has been found that tangential flows into pump impellers also tends to reduce the tendency towards cavitation since shear forces are much smaller.

Steam leaving the pump/centrifuge passes through the engine throttle valve and then through the superheater before reaching the engine.

Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 17, 2023 12:41PM
Hello Ken,

I like it. Now put an Ofeldt tank in the middle of the generator coils for some reserve capacity. I wouldn't consider an Ofeldt tank as a Lamont tank because it is too close to the fire and wouldn't operate the same. Its formation there though helps in the assembly of multiple circuit generator tubes. Multiple circuits keep the pressure differential down on your pump.

Best Regards,

Bill G.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 18, 2023 01:01AM
Hi Bill,

I'm very leery of a central drum as in the Ofeldt or Bolsover boilers, at least when used in conjunction with a forced recirculation boiler. The only reason to go to the added weight, expense, and complexity of the circulation pump and motor is to permit fast recirculation velocity with a high circulation ratio; permitting you to fire the boiler harder than would otherwise be possible.

The problem with a central drum is that we can't guarantee fast circulation at all drum surfaces. If we do manage a circular flow, it will be slowest at the center of the drum bottom -- right where our extremely hot fan-driven burner would be blowing. Without rapid water flow, we are likely to reach DNB (Departure from Nucleate Boiling), which is a stable film of steam residing against the drum wall. DNB is particularly likely because the forced recirculation boiler is using saturated water, and so it doesn't take a lot of heat addition to form steam. The steam film resulting from DNB acts as an insulator that prohibits the flow of heat from the boiler wall to the water inside -- and hence we get the risk of burnout.

That leads to my second issue. All that saturated water is concentrated in one spot and a drum failure is likely to release energy more rapidly (hence violently) than if it occurred in a tube where much of the water is fairly remote from a rupture and is forced to travel some distance before release. Spreading the release over time makes it less malevolent.

As a side issue, if you want to take a boiler to Bonneville, you simply can't have a drum. One of their technical inspectors was with the NRC and he made a rule specifically on this topic.

As far as reserve capacity goes, if you have an 8:1 circulation ratio, then you are already far ahead of a monotube. You can also add volume by increasing generating tube diameter, adding a second row of generating tube, or placing an external coil around the boiler -- as in the Baker boilers. Given that monotubes with less storage can be made to function reasonably well, I would probably be tempted to make initial trials without added storage before doing anything else.


Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 19, 2023 01:22PM
Well Gosh Ken,

I just didn't know.

So how many people have been killed or injured because an Ofeldt boiler tank exploded?

Also the same for "Lamont" tanks?

You know, built by craftsmen, with professional welding, pressure tested and all?

It just seems a strange time in the history of the steam club that this info comes out. We've been promoting and discussing Lamont boilers before I got in around 2006 I think.


Bill G.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 19, 2023 04:59PM
I do not know of any unheated separate Lamont tank ever exploding, possibly you do but I dont know of anyone that has designed a recent Lamont drum. It is an unheated pressure vessel at constant saturation temperature, like 500-600 degrees. It has to be engineered and possibly some one without stress analysis knowledge botched a try. I am sure that several home made attempts making a fire tube drum have failed due to lack of stress analysis knowledge. I design my external recirculation drums with a 4/1 safety factor at its pressure and temperature conditions. My God a Stanley shell without knowing how much piano wire preload would give it a margin of safety would be most dangerous and many have. Just consider the 1907 "strengthen boiler at 1100psi And calculating the number of wire preload turns to make the shell safe at that pressure. I smile that no one had heard of the Lamont before I published the "Forgotten Lamont' paper about 40 years ago on the Stanley website hosted by the great john Woodson. I would agree that a poorly designed Ofeldt central drum with all its connections and considerations of ligament strength could have problems. So much for pressure drums!
Best Georgen
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 20, 2023 05:31AM
Hi George,

My point exactly, we know of no unheated Lamont drums exploding. Lamont didn't heat his drums any more than did other manufacturers of high-powered express boilers. I have some time working with the "Fireside D" naval express boilers similar to those used by the US Navy in WW2, but operating at 1,200 psi. They shield their drums from the burners for the same reasons. It's not unheard of for a boiler tube to burn out, and the flow through those tubes is far faster than in a Lamont drum.


Ofeldt boilers are low-performance designs. We don't see them running at 1,000 psi, nor do we see them connected to burners similar to that found on the SES or Carter cars. The heat flux they experience is of a different, lower, order. Beyond that, the bottom of the drum contains a number of generating tubes that guarantee flow in all directions, presumably setting up enough turbulence to avoid the formation of a static steam film. The boiler in question is not an Ofeldt -- and by adding a storage drum the internal flow is much more likely to be circular-- if it forms any distinctive flow at all. A circular flow has little to no velocity in the center, making it susceptible to DNB -- especially when operating at a heat flux well above that found in the Ofeldt.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2023 06:15AM by frustrated.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 20, 2023 04:37PM
Did Abner Doble have his own boiler designs when at Sentinel?

The oil fired Doble designs came in just when oil became expensive or their ease of operation might have given commercial success. Having to switch to solid locally produced fuels, he designed monotubes with a large center hole and a grate below for coal or coke. The drawings are at the Bancroft Library, some online.

His five years at Sentinel produced a remarkable range of power plant designs. They were defeated by fuel cost, license and registration costs and limitations which were introduced by Diesel interests, driving Sentinel to eventually kill their own S model and go to diesel until competition killed that.

Karl Petersen
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 21, 2023 12:16AM

I'll draw it out and post it when I can get to it. I don't think what I was talking about was well understood.

And now I have a new scanner! So look out!

Something to do during the coming snow storm. I woke up yesterday with a voice in my head that said "The snow man is coming." My daughter later told me about the weather report. I stashed away some extra groceries.

Best Regards,

Bill G.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 21, 2023 10:24AM
I wanted to get back to you regarding a Lamont Boiler...good concept and boiler in practice. It was no wonder why Jim Crank wanted to implement. I have practical experience driving Tony Grzyb's Steam Bike, a forced circulation boiler at the time I drove it. He had perfected it to a fairly high level of operation and holds some records at the SACA time trials. The bike really puts out some steam. Thanks for bringing it up.

As far as my recommendation for an LSR car and his mono-tube boiler, I'm thinking about a simple design as pictured. I would classify it as a drain back system as Rolly attached the Besler boiler design concepts earlier. One key to making this system work is the flow control valve. The Richard Smith design really interests me and I see some real elegance in its design. However, run the pump and circulate the water to pre-heat the Hot well tank to about 120 degrees F. According to the steam tables, that would put one at ~ 120 psi. I guess it would be a forced circulation system at a start and then switch it over to a single pass mono-tube system.

I think one of the key elements to make this system work is a variable flow control valve. I'm still thinking about how to work this at the level of steam temperatures and pressures required to run an LSR. I'm targeting around the 3 M BTU range. The transition to speed is the challenge!

Kind regards,

Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 22, 2023 04:39PM
Hello Rick,

With 3 million BTU combustion input, how much horse power are you after?

I thought 2 million BTU would be enough to develop a bit over 200HP.

Thank You,

Bill G.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 24, 2023 11:21AM
Consider that a 2 million BTU input (check run 14 on the F boiler page 80 Walton) and 1.6 million BTU's absorbed with a steam
output of 1153#/hr that had a boiler efficiency of 80% and
if the engine had a water rate of 10#/hp-hr it would be only 115 horsepower.
Food for thought
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 24, 2023 01:50PM
Thank You George,

I was looking at better efficiencies and a better water rate more based on the engine and boiler I was considering for a 1/4 ton truck. Of course a racing engine has other compromises. Efficiency isn't the main one, overall power density is.

Where do I get the Walton book? I hadn't heard of that years ago when I was much more active in the phorum. I haven't done much since I was working on the condenser.


Bill G.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 24, 2023 02:30PM
The Walton book ia huge history and compilation of all the Doble works. The title is DOBLE STEAM MOTORS published from the steam magazine that Walton put out called "light steam power". Some of the best historical info on light steam power. I don't know if it is still available but look it up in a search engine. Tremendous amount of information. Possibly you can find a copy somewhere, very valuable indeed. Most persons are interested in the steam/water rate but as efficiency is about the heat rate per horsepower-hour. I would say that the McCulloch effort was the most efficient effort ever made and that was 70 years ago! James Dooley's SAE paper is most revealing
and the 1970's efforts for the Clean Air government monies never exceeded that efficiency. It appears that 20MPG at@ 65MPH was much better that the cars of that time. Please do a websearch and you may find a copy.
Regards Georgen
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 25, 2023 12:48AM
The Walton book, "Doble Steam Cars", can be purchased at:


Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 25, 2023 07:14AM
Doble Steam Cars by F.N.Walton.

I bought my copy back in 1971 for $8.50.

Thee best thing about it is Abner gives you all the Formula’s Gas pass area for your tubing windings, port area in the cylinder block, combustion area for how much fuel can be burn. Just about every Formula you need to design a boiler or engine.

Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 25, 2023 01:01PM
Thanks Guys,

I clicked on the Doble Steam Cars book and was redirected to Amazon but to book 6.

I'll just e-mail Mr. Kimmel.


Bill G.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 26, 2023 01:41PM
Hi Bill,

That's just bizarre. I took the link from Tom's page that displays all of his books, not any specific book -- or even the Amazon page. I'll let him know that there is something wrong with the hyperlinks.


Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 27, 2023 10:55AM
Hi Bill,
I reference Chuk's LSR boiler and his values. A shot in the dark is 3.5 M BTU gives about 200 HP. This is another point of reference to compare with George's example. To accomplish this is easier said than done. One of the main challenges is in burning a fuel, albeit a fuel rate, to exchange heat to the water in the most efficient way possible.

The current LSR boiler I'm working with is a mono-tube boiler. Chuk's LSR boiler is the same. Note that Chuk starts with water at standard pressure and temperatures. I hope to start with a higher temperature and pressure which equates to a level of BTU already achieved. It's kind of like working with some potential energy and add in kinetic energy to make up the total energy needed.

So, my shot is to target 3 M BTU and hoping this makes sense given the stored energy available. What it really comes down to is to get as much energy as possible with the system at hand.

Hope this helps with your boiler design and engine considerations. My latest considerations for boiler design are to combine mono-tube or flash generator tube along with a capacity boiler that utilizes natural circulation along with using as much feed water heating available. Use a check valve that will force the feed water through natural circulation tubes when feeding water. I would call this boiler a check valve Ofeldt. I plan to put this in place on the steam car I'm building less the check valve.

Kind regards,
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 27, 2023 06:42PM
Hi Rick,

3.5 million BTU /Hr in and 200 HP out is an overall efficiency of 14.5%. There has to be room for improvement. 20% overall efficiency would produce 275 HP. That ought to be obtainable.

Since feed-water heaters use the engine exhaust steam to heat the feed-water there is some economy to be recovered there, as you said. The feed-water can't absorb it all though as there is more heat per pound in the steam than in the water for the same difference in temperature.

A check valve requires some measurable difference in pressures to function. Do you think a natural circulation boiler would provide enough?

The low pressure Lamont type of boiler I built ( 6 psi) needed a check valve. I found that the generator tube water mix would snap and reverse flow back into the recirc pump with "heavy" firing. Where the steam was being produced had less backward pressure than forward pressure. A check valve after the pump easily solved that problem and it ran smoothly after that. I also needed a check valve after the feed-water pump.

Best Regards,

Bill G.
Re: There WAS a step after Doble, and it was efficient. But WW2 prevented it.
February 28, 2023 07:19AM
Hi Bill,
You bring out an excellent point. I have said it in the past and say it again...the opportunity in the Rankine cycle is in the boiler or steam generator. Where the tendency is to focus on the engine or turbine. I think Doble understood this also. Hence the forced circulation concept.

Here is another example of an LSR, the British Inspiration. Twelve (12) boilers generated 10 M BTU to a single stage turbine. Not sure what the HP is but the record is not much more than Chuk's piston powered record. Assumption is that its about the 200 HP mark but may be different because turbines have a significantly different HP rating because of the high RPM. Long story short is that it isn't very efficient.

I have to admit that I cannot get 3.5 M BTU out of my designed Ofeldt-monotube hybrid with a check valve. It would take three (3) boilers to get where it is needed. This is using similar comparison to my last slide on new boiler generating Calc. This was part of my presentation at the 2021 SACA Meet.

The path forward is to create a mono-tube with filling or spiral wire within it to increase the heat transfer ability of the tube. I don't want to calculate the effect because it will lead to analysis paralysis. I prefer to work with measured results. This means I need to build it and measure. The attached water conductivity shows how complicated the calculation becomes with the variation of water conductivity in relation to temperature and its change in density.

The TS diagram is where I will be at with my future boiler design. My current build is basically a 400/400 machine, degrees F and PSI respectively.

As far as the current LSR mono-tube I'm working with, it was decided not to put any fill within the tube. Therefore, to get where needed, I need to come up with other avenues like working with pre-heated water. Hope your design is going well.

Kind regards,

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TS Diagram-Steam Re-heat Sys.gif 57.5 KB open | download Rick.H 01/30/2023 Read message
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Steam Bike hot tank detail.jpg 347.2 KB open | download Rick.H 01/31/2023 Read message
Steam Bike boiler detail.jpg 800.2 KB open | download Rick.H 01/31/2023 Read message
combustion chamber.jpg 344.6 KB open | download Rolly 01/31/2023 Read message
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20HP cylinder heads-s.jpg 249.4 KB open | download Rolly 02/07/2023 Read message
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Image (41).jpg 287.3 KB open | download Rick.H 02/11/2023 Read message
Besler Systems.pdf 320.5 KB open | download Rolly 02/11/2023 Read message
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Derr economizer.jpg 97.1 KB open | download Rolly 02/13/2023 Read message
Marine economizer.jpg 51.2 KB open | download Rolly 02/13/2023 Read message
Stanley economizer.jpg 113.5 KB open | download Rolly 02/13/2023 Read message
Tryall economizer.jpg 30.5 KB open | download Rolly 02/13/2023 Read message
another great burn.JPG 131.4 KB open | download Rolly 02/13/2023 Read message
CIRC SYSTEM.png 514.1 KB open | download frustrated 02/17/2023 Read message
Monotube Design Concept.jpg 696.2 KB open | download Rick.H 02/21/2023 Read message
Ts Diagram w Super Heat.jpg 126.2 KB open | download Rick.H 02/28/2023 Read message
TS Diagram.gif 53.1 KB open | download Rick.H 02/28/2023 Read message
Tube Stages.jpg 252.4 KB open | download Rick.H 02/28/2023 Read message
Water%20thermal%20conductivity%20F.jpg 126 KB open | download Rick.H 02/28/2023 Read message
water_density_F.jpg 116.8 KB open | download Rick.H 02/28/2023 Read message
43-New Boiler Generating Calc.png 191.9 KB open | download Rick.H 02/28/2023 Read message