Toledo to Hot Springs Arkansas - in January
May 29, 2017 12:51PM
Here is a story I've heard a few times, but never seen any documented evidence of it. I was scanning through an old Motor Journal from 1902 and seen a few clippings about the feat.

Toledo Ohio to Hot Springs Arkansas in an open Toledo steamer in January. That had to be a very "memorable" trip. smiling smiley


Re: Toledo to Hot Springs Arkansas - in January
June 09, 2017 11:52PM
I wrote an article on this with many original pictures (seen at auction on eBay) in the Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.04, p.14. Toledo to Hot Springs by Steam Carriage — Karl A. Petersen

Karl Petersen
Re: Toledo to Hot Springs Arkansas - in January
July 15, 2017 02:35AM
Hi Karl,

I have only just seen your posting, could you send me a copy of the article that you wrote? It was an amazing trip, over 800 miles in a new car with roads in the most appalling condition. I bought those original photos that were on e-Bay and have had them "cleaned up". The Toledo was a model B, which was like a Model a but had a top and a slightly different body in that the rear corners are squared off rather than round. It also had an extra fuel tank fitted and a drop down platform at the rear to carry supplies and a suction hose. It makes my cross country trip to the Grand Canyon in 2014 in my Toledo look rather too easy!

Nick Howell
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Toledo trip 1 1902.jpg 92.8 KB open | download IronChief 05/29/2017 Read message
Toledo trip 2 1902.jpg 44.9 KB open | download IronChief 05/29/2017 Read message
Toledo trip 3 1902.jpg 139 KB open | download IronChief 05/29/2017 Read message
Toledo trip 4 1902.jpg 56.1 KB open | download IronChief 05/29/2017 Read message