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MG 1100 Steam Conversion

Posted by gvagg2 
MG 1100 Steam Conversion
June 27, 2009 04:30AM

While sorting a box of old steam photographs I came across this one from Richard Smith. I don't recall any details but presume it was similar to other projects you both were involved with. I didn't see this vehicle or the steam plant but am familiar with the original vehicles developed in the UK in the 1960s as big brothers to the Mini range and had more space all over.

Did you get it running on steam? Were you able to fit the whole plant under the hood, noting the whole range had front wheel drive and the original engine filled the space pretty well?

Maybe there is another story to tell. If there is mention of it in the older SACA journals could you give the reference in case it is in my collection (with many gaps before 1974).



Re: MG 1100 Steam Conversion
October 01, 2009 01:09AM

This is a three part narrated slide show on the car. Hope you all enjoy it!

PLEASE write back your comments including if you think more of this stuff would be interesting.

Karl Petersen
Re: MG 1100 Steam Conversion
October 01, 2009 03:07PM
Hello Karl

More please!
Only looked at the pics so far, need a quiet space to absorb the narration.
Forgot how much space there was under the bonnet (hood) of the old 1100s compared to the Mini.

Re: MG 1100 Steam Conversion
October 03, 2009 05:19AM
Hi Karl
Just wanted to say thank you so much for putting your photos up. I'm currently going through the marvelous photos of Jim's 1981 attempt on the steam car speed record. Fantastic, amazing and inspiring series of photos.


Karl Petersen

This is a three part narrated slide show on the car. Hope you all enjoy it!

PLEASE write back your comments including if you think more of this stuff would be interesting.
Re: MG 1100 Steam Conversion
December 12, 2009 10:41PM
Thanks, Mark! Now I do wonder if anyone else read the post since there have been no comments. Hm.

The weather department had a sale in December and the temperature is 80% off this month in Boise. Looking forward to the holidays with our molecules moving slow enough to greet as they go by.

Karl Petersen
Re: MG 1100 Steam Conversion
December 12, 2009 11:54PM

By all means, add to it, I am interested. More More More, Please!

Scott Finegan
Re: MG 1100 Steam Conversion
December 13, 2009 11:24AM

What photos of our 1981 Bonneville run?? I wish to God some people would contact the owner of the photos before putting them on any web site.
For once, i would like to see this stuff about the car at Bonneville.
What some people do not realize, is that sometimes material is copyrighted and splashing it on some web site opens the person up to a lawsuit.
Just because some steam event is interesting does not give the person the right to publish it without the author's permission.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2009 11:59AM by James D. Crank.
Re: MG 1100 Steam Conversion
December 13, 2009 12:49PM
Hi Jim
I assumed they are photos Karl took in 1981? Sorry if that's not correct.
They are on Karl's website.


I'm going through the Autocoast series currently

Re: MG 1100 Steam Conversion
December 13, 2009 01:16PM
The links Mark shows are of my own photos, including the 1981 LSR run of Jim Crank's car. Since I took them, gave Jim copies and told him when they went on the site, it seems ok that I have put them on my own site.

I didn't tell Lowell Edwards about the development lab photos being on site since he died about 30 years ago. [How's it goin' up there, Mr. Edwards?]

I do this mainly to get interesting comments and questions from you folks who look at the pictures, so please post about them. The MG-1100 comments go here, but for comments on the other subjects, I opened two new topics on the Jim Crank LSR and on Edwards Development Center.

All the best,

Karl Petersen

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2009 12:23AM by Karl Petersen.
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MG 1100 Steam Conversion.jpg 37.9 KB open | download gvagg2 06/27/2009 Read message
MG 1100 Steam Car back note by R J Smith.jpg 25.9 KB open | download gvagg2 06/27/2009 Read message